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  1. Low quality posts are strictly prohibited. This counts for short messages like "lol", "cool", "welcome", "thanks" and any repeated characters to defeat the min character count.
  2. Always post in the correct category. We usually don't hand out warnings if it's the first time.
  3. Bumping of threads is only allowed after one day. (24 hours)
  4. Use good grammar. Basically start sentences with a capital and end it with punctuation.
  5. Use descriptive thread titles. Titles such as "Please help!!!!" or "how can i do this" are prohibited.
  6. Treat other members with respect. Flaming will not be tolerated here.
  7. Please don't drift off of the subject from a thread, keep them at a reasonable point and refrain from changing subjects in the middle.
  8. Posting links or information to/about another resources website is not allowed nor do we care about them, please refrain from posting such.
  9. Deleting a thread or post you don't want anymore is fine (as an upgraded member). However, abusing the system by deleting a lot of threads or posts during a small time span or editing your threads or posts and replacing the original text to spam or nothing related to the original text will be punished with a temp or permanent ban.
  10. Threads like "What's your favourite X" or "X or X?" are not allowed.
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